Admin/Secretarial Svcs (BUSI)
BUSI-1301. Business Principle. (3 Credits)
(3-3-0) This course is taken for academic credit. Students will earn an A, B, C, D, F, or W. This course provides a survey of economic systems, forms of business ownership, and considerations for running a business. Students will learn various aspects of business, management, and leadership functions; organizational considerations; and decision-making processes. Financial topics are introduced, including accounting, money and banking, and securities markets. Also included are discussions of business challenges in the legal and regulatory environment, business ethics, social responsibility, and international business. Emphasized is the dynamic role of business in everyday life.
BUSI-2301. Business Law. (3 Credits)
(3-3-0) This course is taken for academic credit. Students will earn an A, B, C, D, F, or W. The course provides the student with foundational information about the U.S. legal system and dispute resolution, and their impact on business. The major content areas will include general principles of law, the relationship of business and the U.S. Constitution, state and federal legal systems, the relationship between law and ethics, contracts, sales, torts, agency law, intellectual property, and business law in the global context.
BUSI-2305. Business Statistics. (3 Credits)
Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for business and economic decision-making. Topics include the collection, description, analysis, and summarization of data; probability; discrete and continuous random variables; the binomial and normal distributions; sampling distributions; tests of hypotheses; estimation and confidence intervals; linear regression; and correlation analysis. Statistical software is used to analyze data throughout the course. (BUSI 2305 is included in the Business Field of Study.)