Credit by Examination

Credit by Exam:  ACT, SAT & Advanced Placement (AP)

Trinity Valley Community College will award academic credit to students whose scores on the ACT, SAT or Advanced Placement (AP) exams meet or exceed those outlined in the charts below.  In order for credit by exam to be awarded, the following stipulations must be met:

  • Students must have a minimum of three semester hours in residence at TVCC.
  • Student must be TSI complete in the corresponding section before the credit by exam will be posted to the student’s transcript.
  • Students requesting college credit based on ACT, SAT, CEEB or CLEP scores must submit official scores to the Registrar's Office 
    • Submitted placement scores must have been earned within the previous five years.

The credits stated below are in accordance with Trinity Valley Community College policies and do not guarantee acceptance by transfer universities.

  • Exam credit may not be earned for any course in which the student has already earned a passing grade. Exam credit will not be awarded for any courses in which a student is currently enrolled.

When a student plans to transfer to another institution, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the university to verify acceptance and applicability of credit by examination that TVCC awarded.

Contact the Registrar's Office for more details at 

ACT and SAT Scores

Subject Area Minimum ACT Score Minimum SAT Score Course Exemption Credit Course Sem Hrs
English 29 620 ENGL-1301 ENGL-1301 3
English 32 690 ENGL-1302 ENGL-1302 3
Mathematics 26 560 MATH-1314 MATH-1314 3
Mathematics 30 630 MATH-2312 MATH-2312 3

Advanced Placement (CEEB) Scores

AP Exam Minimum AP Score Course Credit Sem Hrs
Biology 3 BIOL-1406 or BIOL-1408 4
Biology 4 BIOL-1406 & BIOL-1407 or BIOL-1408 & BIOL-1409 8
Calculus AB 3 MATH-2413 4
Calculus BC 3 MATH-2413 4
Chemistry 3 CHEM-1405 or CHEM-1411 4
Chemistry 4 CHEM-1405 & CHEM-1407 or CHEM-1411 & CHEM-1412 8
Economics - Macro 3 ECON-2301 3
Economics - Micro 3 ECON-2302 3
English Language & Composition 3 ENGL-1301 3
English Language & Composition 4 ENGL-1301 & ENGL-1302 6
English Literature & Composition 4 ENGL-1301 and any LIT course 6
Spanish 3 SPAN-1411 & SPAN-1412 (with lab) 8
Spanish 4 SPAN-1411 & SPAN-1412 & SPAN-2311 (with lab) 12
Spanish 5 SPAN-1411 & SPAN-1412 & SPAN-2311 & SPAN-2312 (with lab) 14
Statistics 3 MATH-1342 3
Physics 1 3 PHYS-1401 4
Physics 2 3 PHYS-1402 4
Physics C 3 (Must pass both Physics C Mechanics & Physics C Elec. & Magnetism with a 3) PHYS-2426 4
Human Geography 3 GEOG-1302 3
U.S. History 3 HIST-1301 3
Pre-Calculus 3 Math-2312 3
Psychology 3 PSYC-2301 3
U.S. Government & Politics 3 GOVT-2305 3

Credit by Exam: CLEP Subject Examination

Trinity Valley Community College is an open testing center for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), which was developed by the College Entrance Examination Board. Copies of the CLEP Registration Guide and the registration form may be obtained from the Testing Center or online at the College Board CLEP website. The cost for administering the CLEP subject exams is $95 (subject to change according to CLEP requirements), payable to CLEP. In addition, Trinity Valley Community College charges a $25 non-refundable administrative fee.

Trinity Valley Community College will accept a maximum of 30 semester hours of CLEP credit from the courses listed below provided that the student meets the following stipulations:

  • CLEP credit may not be earned for any course in which the student has already earned a passing grade. CLEP credit will not be awarded for any courses in which a student is currently enrolled.
  • CLEP scores may be no more than 10 years old to receive credit at TVCC.
  • Students must have a minimum of three semester hours in residence at TVCC.
  • Student must be TSI complete in the corresponding section before CLEP credit will be posted to the student’s transcript.

Contact the Registrar's Office for more details at 

CLEP Exam TVCC Equivalent Sem Hours CLEP Score
American Literature ENGL 2328 3 50
College Composition Modular ENGL-1301 3 50
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature ENGL-1302 3 50
Humanities HUMA 1301 3 50
Spanish Language Level 1 and 2 SPAN-1411 4 50
Spanish Language Level 1 and 2 SPAN 1411 & 1412 8 55
Spanish Language Level 1 and 2 SPAN-1411 , SPAN-1412, SPAN 2311 11 63+
Spanish with Writing: Levels 1 and 2 SPAN 1411 4 50
Spanish with Writing: Level 1 and 2 SPAN 1411 & 1412 8 55
Spanish with Writing: Levels 1 and 2 SPAN 1411, SPAN 1412, SPAN 2311 11 63+
American Government GOVT-2305 3 50
American History I HIST-1301 3 50
American History II HIST-1302 3 50
Human Growth & Dev PSYC-2314 3 50
Introductory Psychology PSYC-2301 3 50
Introductory Sociology SOCI-1301 3 50
Western Civilization I HIST-2311 3 50
Western Civilization II HIST-2312 3 50
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2301 3 50
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2302 3 50
College Algebra MATH-1314 3 50
General Biology BIOL-1406 4 50
General Biology BIOL 1406 & BIOL 1407 8 70
General Chemistry CHEM-1411 4 50
General Chemistry CHEM 1411 & CHEM 1412 8 55
Information Systems & Business Computer App BCIS 1305 3 50
Precalculus MATH 2312 3 50
Calculus MATH 2413 4 50
Financial Accounting ACCT 2401 4 50
Financial Accounting ACNT 1303 & ACNT 1304 6 50
Principles of Management BMGT 1327 3 53
Principles of Marketing MRKG 1311 3 53
Introductory Business Law BUSI 2301 3 50

 Credit For The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program

Students who have completed the International Baccalaureate Diploma will be granted a maximum of 24 semester credit hours for IBD courses completed with a minimum score of 4 on the IBD course examination. In addition, students who have completed courses in the IBD program but who have not received the diploma may also receive college credit for completion of IBD courses with a score of 4 on the IBD examination.

To receive college credit, students must :

  1. Pass the corresponding sections of a test approved for TSI purposes. 
  2. Earn three semester credit hours at Trinity Valley Community College.
  3. Submit official transcript to the Registrar's Office

Contact the Registrar's Office for more details at 

The range of credit hours that can be granted in each subject area as well as a list of the courses for which credit could be granted is outlined below: The credits awarded are in accordance with Trinity Valley Community College policies and can be counted toward the Associate of Arts or Associate of Applied Sciences Degrees at TVCC. Acceptance of these credits at TVCC does not guarantee acceptance by transfer universities.

IB Course/Exam Exam Level Minimum Required Score TVCC Course(s) Credit Hours
English Language SL 4 ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 6
English Language HL 4 ENGL 1301, 1302, and ENGL 2322* 9
Spanish SL 4 SPAN 1411 4
Spanish SL 5 SPAN 1411 & 1412 8
Spanish SL 6 SPAN 1411, 1412, and 2311 11
Spanish SL 7 SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, and 2312 14
Bioloogy SL or HL 4 BIOL 1406 4
Biology SL or HL 5 or better BIOL 1406 & 1407 8
Chemistry SL or HL 4 CHEM 1411 4
Chemistry SL or HL 5 or better CHEM 1411 & 1412 8
Physics SL or HL 4 PHYS 1401 4
Physics SL or HL 5 or better PHYS 1401 & 1402 8
Economics SL or HL 4 ECON 2301 or 2302 6
History SL or HL 4 HIST 1301 and 1302 6
Philosophy SL or HL 4 PHIL 1301 3
Psychology SL or HL 4 PSYC 2301 3
Social and Cultural Anthropology SL or HL 4 SOCI 1301 3
Visual Arts SL or HL 4 ARTS 1301 3
Music SL or HL 4 MUSI 1306 3
Theater Arts SL or HL 4 DRAM 1310 3
Computer Science SL or HL 4 BCIS 1305 3
Mathematics SL 4 MATH 2312 3
Mathematics HL 5 or better Math 2312 and 2413 7
Further Mathematics HL 4 MATH 2312 3
Further Mathematics HL 5 or better MATH 2313 or MATH 2413 7
Mathematical Methods SL 4 MATH 1314 3
Mathematical Methods SL 5 or better MATH 1314 and MATH 2312 6
Mathematical Studies SL 4 MATH 1314 3
Mathematical Studies SL 5 or better MATH 1314 and MATH 2312 6

*Students who have ENGL 2322 credit from another source may receive alternative credit in the form of ENGL 2323, 2327, 2332, or 2333.